Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kids' Jam 2010

Hi. This August, the 21st to be exact, I will be holding my 2nd Annual (kinda, sorta) Kids' Jam. I'm inviting all my non-adult students, Brendon's students, Joe Pillatsch's students and Kevin Conlin's students. We are going to get together and play some songs, play some jams, have some contests and listen to some solo performances. The last one I had was a lot of fun, this one should be just as fun, and more.

The kids get to play with other kids, durning the jams they get to play anything they want and they get to play it as loud as they would like. This is about as close to a recital I can come. I used to hate recitals, being in them and listening to them. No fun.

And this isn't about showing off. We're just going to play and share music and try to have some (loud) fun for a while.

Right now I have over 20 students registered and, with parents and friends, it totals almost 100 people. Ernie Ball and D'Addario have sent some goodies for the kids. Luna Guitars said they would send some soon. I haven't heard from Jim Dunlop.

I'll post updates as I have them.

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