Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Second Annual (kinda sorta) Kids' Jam

This last Saturday, the 21st, we had an incredible Kids' Jam! I invited all my non-adult students and most of them showed up. My son, Brendon , had two students there and my associate, Kevin Conlin, had four students attend. There were over 40 students and a total attendance of about 120 people! 20 of the kids performed for the audience and we all jammed on some songs. The turnout was very humbling. The kids did a great job and the parents were very supportive. If anyone has pictures and/or videos they would like to share please give me a cd, dvd or send them to . We will do this again, I'll let you know when, where and how.

I want to thank all the parents that helped make the Jam possible and Grace United Methodist Church for the space. Vendors that contributed free handouts were Music Solutions in Bolingbrook,, Daisy Rock guitars, Ernie Ball strings, D'Addario strings and Dunlop accessories. ( BTW Fender ignored my requests and Gibson didn't send anything ). 

This September 4th (a Saturday), we will be holding our first Annual John C. North Memorial Outdoor Jam. John was a student, associate teacher, a friend and an all-around good guy. It will start at 6PM and go until we run out of songs. This will be at Nancy Bolliger's house in Cress Creak next to the forrest preserve. Please send me an email so I can tell her how many people will be there and I'll send you her address. Please bring a lawn chair and munchies or food or whatever.  We will only have something to drink. Since John was a family man, families are welcome.

If you send me an email I will send you a list of the songs we'll be playing. I'm still working on the chord sheets. You don't have to play, but you can perform or play along or just listen. We're going to play some songs and have a good time. Be there or be L7 (jk).

Thanks, Terry

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