Friday, July 23, 2010

The First Annual John C. North Outdoor Jam

On September 4th, we're holding the first annual John C. North Memorial Outdoor Jam. John North was , at first, an adult student of mine, then an associate instructor for me, a friend, and all the time a good person. He passed away July of 2009. Since he was always bugging me to have an outdoor jam (John and I did finally have an outdoor jam at his house) I've decided to have at least one outdoor jam every year. This year it will be held at Nancy Bolliger's house in Cress Creek, from 6:00 PM to whenever we get tired. It will be byo food/snacks and we will provide water. Since John was a great family man, your whole family is invited. You don't have to perform, just play along or just watch . Please send me an email ( and I'll send details.

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