Monday, November 22, 2010

Adult Jams

We just had another great Adult Jam. I'll be posting pictures soon. In the mean time you can see pictures at
You do NOT have to be a FB member to see the photos.

Here's what a couple of my adult students have to say about the Jams:   STUDENT TESTIMONIALS

"I love the jams... now.  As you know, the first jam really took me for a loop because everyone else seemed so much more proficient than me.  I went home extremely humbled and really doubted myself.  I continually thought of giving up the guitar because it just seemed too daunting.  In fact, I put the guitar down for a good week to just take a break.  It was at my next lesson with you, however, that I really re-committed myself.  It was your understanding and encouragement that really helped me move forward.  You were never negative and really took the time to listen to my concerns.  I left that practice with a new focus, which I hope was seen at the next jam when I got up in front of everybody to play "Picture."  There's no way I would have envisioned that after the first jam!  So as you can probably guess, I love the jams now.  They are great barometers of my own progression.  I also really enjoy the time with all your other students.  No one takes themselves too seriously - you especially - and there's always a few good laughs to be had.  The fact that you take the time out of your busy schedule to do this for your students is not only commendable, but a true testament to your commitment to each and every student.  I can't thank you enough."

"I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the adult jam last weekend.  I really felt like I was not just palying a series of chords, but really playing my guitar for the first time.  I was so nervous initially, as I know only a limited number of chords.  It did NOT matter- I was able to keep up the best I could.  It was extremely worthwhile and I know going to the jams will ultimately make me a better musician.  Plus, it was a lot of fun.  Thank you so much for offering your personal time for your students. You are the best."
Alisa M.

"I am pretty fortunate to take guitar lessons from Terry who has 4 decades of experience. Terry makes guitar playing pretty easy for a newbie like me. He understands exactly where the student's learning difficulty is, and helps to get through it with a step by step aproach. There were several instances when I struggled for weeks on chords and Terry could fix my problems in minutes.
Renting a guitar before buying, really helped in my case. Terry gave some very useful tips which helped me to buy a right guitar the very first time.
Learning Bar chords was a difficult thing but with Terry's help it became simpler."

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